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4 pages tagged with "Lumberyard"

Deep Linking Now Available in Lumberyard

March 05, 2025 - 160 words - 1 mins
Lumberyard version 1.2.0 is available now in the App Store. This update adds support for deep linking. That is a link that will quickly take you back to Lumberyard and jump you directly to an item in your list. This will only work on your own iPhone, but it will work in any app that recognizes links… read more

Shortcuts in Lumberyard

March 03, 2025 - 274 words - 2 mins
I almost completely forgot that Lumberyard supports Shortcuts. This means you can automate interacting with the app and quickly use that information in other apps. As of now, Lumberyard supports the following actions: Last Time Chore Done This one will ask which chore you're curious about, such as "… read more

Lumberyard's Widget

February 10, 2025 - 92 words - 1 mins
Lumberyard is an app made to make keeping up with maintenance as convenient as an app can. You still need to check the filters, but Lumberyard will make sure you don't forget. One feature I put in to help is a widget. You can add it to your lock screen or even your home screen and easily know when t… read more

Dishwasher Maintenance

December 18, 2024 - 330 words - 2 mins
A a child, the dishwasher in our house almost never worked. It was instead my sister and my job to wash them by hand. The only time I remember it ever working was when we moved to a new house with a relatively new dishwasher. For a time it worked, but eventually that one also became just wasted spac… read more